I lay down all the dreams I dreamt,
all the things I was sure were meant
to be.
Everything is changing,
there can be no more waiting.
Every piece of me burns,
caught up in a flame,
a fire creating sorrow-filled pain.
A single mom to three boys working hard to live my truest life. I hope as I share the beauty, the gratitude, the grief, the hard…you find inspiration + hope to show up to your life as honestly as possible.
All in Heart Strings
I lay down all the dreams I dreamt,
all the things I was sure were meant
to be.
Everything is changing,
there can be no more waiting.
Every piece of me burns,
caught up in a flame,
a fire creating sorrow-filled pain.
The advent is here.
The coming of the King so near you can taste it.
Or can you?