My Blood Attacked Me

My Blood Attacked Me


March 22, 14 – Women's Writing GroupI had my women's writing group this last weekend. One of the ladies who happens to be a resident at Stoney Brook couldn't make it because she had a hot date to meet her new "man friend's" family. This lady is about 80 years old. So precious!

I am neighbors with Connie, the lovely lady who I introduced myself to in the first place, inviting myself to her group; naturally I get to pick her up and drop her off for this writing group! Choosing to be intentional as a Christian isn't easy, but building this relationship has been so good to my soul. Connie has blessed my heart in deep ways that I hope to share someday. I invite you to find a way to be intentional in your community. Love those around you.

This is the memoir I wrote during writing group.

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Soccer practice was getting rough: breathing becoming tough, as I began to huff and puff. Really, I was feeling not good enough.

The week went on my muscles began to cramp. I continued soccer; that was the plan even though the right half of my body felt completely jammed.

An early evening stroll I took a short walk to the store. Finding I couldn’t breathe with ease, I swore. When breathing becomes a chore life turns into painful war. All I wanted was for air to pour into my lungs; my body needed to be restored.

My muscles aching sore I could no longer ignore. Suddenly my mouth let out a roar: I had fallen, collapsed. For breath I needed to gasp, there was no way to relax after I had fallen hard in my own tracks. Confused I was, to the max.

Pulling myself to my feet my cheeks were feeling the heat as I yearned to simply take a seat. Needing to finish the walk home I crossed the long darkened street, my door welcoming me with a greet.

Haley, my roommate, a mere stranger at the time noted my lips and nail beds blue:

“This is danger” was what she knew. Quickly she threw together her bag without a clue of where the hospital was. Feeling light headed and sick I knew I needed to follow her, and quick.

The emergency room, nearly empty the sleepy nurses I slightly envied. I felt as though me myself was being emptied.

Wearing scrubs of blue and black the nurse called my name. Down the cold halls, I followed her back. Her career I wanted to claim as I came to school to study the same. Who knew that just two years later that isn’t who I became?

A multitude of tests followed as I lay there dying, barely able to swallow. Without answers I was becoming sorrowed.

Finally, they looked for what they did not believe, the signs of this were not perceived. Retrieving some machines they put me through scans and retrieved the photo retrieving my disease:

Factor V Leiden Protein S Deficiency

They returned to me in disbelief.

Natalie, you could have died on this night had you not come in; the size of your blood clot is quite a fright, completely blocking your lung, on the right. On the left is also quite the sight. You can see here about 50 minors ready to ignite. Had any of these launched your chance of living was slim & slight, but praise God almighty your roommate brought you in tonight.

Staring at the screen, portraying my lungs I could hardly believe the words rolling off of their tongues.

My eyes bore into that screen perched right in front of me; the extreme theme of this night was making me want to scream. Was I in a dream? I am only eighteen!

For four days my home became a hospital bed where I spent many hours thanking Jesus: I was not dead. I have many years ahead {paying off this medical debt}. Years I care to spend spreading the love of Jesus, and breaking my body like bread. Thank you Jesus for not letting my life end, no death quite yet.

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Note: Factor V Leiden & Protein S Deficiency are blood disorders, not diseases. But as you can see, it fit quite nicely.

Morning Study: 1 Timothy 1:5

(take out the) Homeless (in) People