All in Mama Bear

Motherhood To Me: More Of A Gift Than Not [Mommy & Me Session]

I'm tired. Sometimes my brain falls out of my head; maybe it doesn't actually, hard to say. Often I find myself far too impatient. I kind of wish I slept more [this is complicated at best]. There are so many poopy diapers and poopsplosions....the other day Ira was rubbing my face so sweetly and I looked to see poop all over his hands. You know? It's not completely glamorous. 

But dang is motherhood more of a gift than not.

On The Other Side of Infertility

We are on the other side of infertility.

Do I know if I can conceive and carry to term again or if we would experience secondary infertility? No. Do we plan to find out? The answer is complicated.

We tried to conceive without medication for over a year. I had a laparoscopy done to remove most of my painful, quickly-spreading disease of endometriosis. We conceived on clomid, a horrible hormone driven drug, only to miscarry.


I am sorry for the times I fail to celebrate you. Which is too often.

I am sorry for the times it feels I seem to be only celebrating your brother, especially here on this big wide scary space of the internet. The truth? The truth is that I am afraid people assume I love you more than him, because you grew inside of me, my blood runs through you. I fear that people watch us, waiting for proof that we love you more because you are the product of our DNA entangled into one human. I fear that people compare the way we treat you two.


A whirlwind mixture of anguish and delight, of misery and happiness, of grief and joy, intertwined into a continual state of living. Sometimes life is going so fast that I don't notice the complexities of my heart and your life, but sometimes I sit and it all overwhelms me. Overwhelms me to tears. Not sobs or wails, but the gentle kind that wets my eyes and sits in the lower parts of my lids.

To My Secondborn: Our Meeting Wasn't Magical

We've shared a lot of tears this past year haven't we? 

From the moment we first met, there was pain and sadness between us. Both of us loud, neither of us quite ready to meet, it felt like everything was wrong except that we were sharing oxygen. There was loss as the hopeful moments-of-meeting passed into present reality and completely failed to meet my expectations. Or even half of them. Or even one of them. [Okay maybe one and it is a big and important one that I won't forget because not all mama's have this honor: you were breathing and your heart was beating.]

Sage's First Birthday Party


I always told myself I wouldn't go crazy over my babies's birthday parties, especially if they couldn't remember them. *cough cough* especially their FIRST birthday.

And then I became mama.

Small Shops I love + You Should Too!

I do my best to purchase the boys's clothes from small shops, even if it's a little more expensive. I know who is making it, I know it's not child/cheap/free labor, I know that it is made with love, and I know the money is going to things that matter. I hope you'll find a few small shops that you love too!

Babies's First Christmas

Four Christmases we waited and we hoped for little toes to nibble, bellies to blow raspberries on, the magic of Christmas to be experienced by babes. And here we are: not one but two miracle boys in our home and our arms, experiencing their first Christmas, their first advent.

How This Is Us Is Wrecking Me

When Rebecca told Jack repetitively that they need to be enough for little man Randall, her aches and longings are real and valid and I know many adoptive families who feel the same way...but honestly? We aren't enough. She isn't enough. That is the thing: we cannot force ourselves as humans to be enough. 

The Tears Today Are Sweet

I believe it is entirely okay + possible to exist in both the reality of grief and sorrow and brokenness, while also being swallowed up whole with hope and grace and joy. I have experienced both sadness and hope wrapped into the same moment, which ushers a tired heart into a surpassing peace. Not a jumping up and down giddy joy or hope, but a calm and steady hope that anchors us.

Thanks + Giving

As I give thanks for these tiny humans and the miracles that they are, the giving of my entire self becomes easy, natural.

These are the days, and I am doing my best to sit in the messy, chaotic, craziness of it all. Sit in it with coffee and almond rocas. I am learning to not feel so guilty about enjoying being a mama. I am learning to give myself permission to thoroughly love it without abandon.But also to acknowledge that I am one hot mess. 

Discovering Ira

The test screamed positive.

Staring in disbelief, I heard a shaky voice that couldn't be mine saying, "no, no, no, no, no." My limbs trembled and I collapsed on the bathroom floor unprepared for the fear that had overtaken my entire self. Will I have to say goodbye again? Will our adoption journey be interrupted? What if we lose our adoption journey AND this baby? How will I get through another loss? How will I keep breathing?