All in Finding Him

The Breaking to Love Like Him

Truth be told, I have been struggling with the current view this world has regarding Christians; I've been struggling because of the way we Christians have painted ourselves. It's our fault. We are seen now more than ever (in my small life) as interested in only our own safety. We are interested in making society bend to our morals and beliefs, forcing others into a world of what we deem as Right Living. We are interested in making America a "Christian nation," something I don't believe it ever has been or ever will be. 

... Jesus broke Himself for us; He offered His physical body to be crucified and His spirit to endure the heaviness of Hell. All so we foreigners would be welcomed.

2016: a world of chaos

Why do babies die in the womb or during birth? Why can people in power choose to bomb their own countries, without being taken down? Why do people continue to defend deaths/injuries and explain away "how they deserved to die" when we should really just shut our mouths, stop thinking we know everything, and mourn? How can people actually say they are grieving the tragedies of Aleppo when just two months ago they were complaining about people seeking refuge? WHY ARE WE SUCH A MESS OF BROKENNESS?

The Tears Today Are Sweet

I believe it is entirely okay + possible to exist in both the reality of grief and sorrow and brokenness, while also being swallowed up whole with hope and grace and joy. I have experienced both sadness and hope wrapped into the same moment, which ushers a tired heart into a surpassing peace. Not a jumping up and down giddy joy or hope, but a calm and steady hope that anchors us.

From afar, it may appear as though we have forgotten about our time with you, forgotten you and moved on. But dear ones, we talk about you and reminisce so often. We remembered all summer long how we weren't with you for camps and camping trips, water games and summer nights. Fall launch didn't happen and neither did baking cookies for you the night before the first day of school.

Grief, trauma, tragedy...beating your soul into the filth, threatening your hope and stealing your joy. The temptation may be to pretend all is right, that "He is good" so "I am good" when really, all your heart desires is to melt and break and allow the cracks to be seen. Not only seen, but seen as something to be redeemed through grace. The cracks of trauma and betrayal, grief and the unfaithful, loss and disdainful relationships...the cracks are weak, tempting to bleed. 

My body miscarried and rejected our first baby.

We wanted that baby. We hoped for that baby. We prayed for that baby. We celebrated that baby. We cried tears of joy and danced celebration for that baby. That baby, Blake, left my womb too soon and we had to say goodbye before we really said hello. That baby, so precious, so loved, so wanted...I believe will one day introduce his family to Jesus.