Help Launch This Children's Book!

Help Launch This Children's Book!

Watch this video and/or read more about the book! The video has the same information.

YOU are invited to play an integral role in publishing + releasing a really special, important, unique, NEEDED children’s book!

This book is going to bring insight, comfort, and representation into homes around the world. This book is going to empower children + moms living an unconventional journey.

A little about this book’s conception:

I was doing my best to prepare my two four-year-olds to welcome an (unexpected) baby brother into our family. My firstborn son was adopted at birth, my secondborn son was born biologically 5 months later. Our family structure has since shifted through divorce, I was in a relationship and found myself unexpectedly pregnant!

Preparing my two big boys for a baby who didn’t share their dad was confusing for them. Every children’s book about preparing for a baby was essentially very conventional, traditional, cute families with one dad and one mom and everyone matches.

Once our baby was born, the boys requested reading a these welcoming-baby books constantly. I found myself trying not to cry from the rush of post-birth hormones and attempting to change some of the words as I read, to make the story line fit our family a bit better.

adoptive bio family

One night laying in bed I pulled up a google doc and started writing. I began working on a manuscript of rhymes, writing a story about Super Sage and Super Ira who were welcoming a baby brother… but this brother has a different dad. Their mom didn’t have a dad living with them in the house, it was her and her two boys, preparing for a baby.

It’s been about four months since writing and reworking this little manuscript. Sage and Ira ask me to read it at bedtime nearly every night!

They smile and they beam, they ask when there will be pictures with this book.

Where you come in:

We need you!

This book is going to be created in 2021. We would love if YOU were a part of it.

Hiring an illustrator for this book is about $4500. The work illustrators do is valuable and takes time, skill, experience, and a lot of time.

My goal is to have 150 people donate $40.

Each person who is able to donate $40 will receive: a downloadable print with the book’s most meaningful quote, a copy of the book, + their name listed as a contributor.

Each person who is able to donate any amount will receive: a downloadable print with the book’s most meaningful quote + their name listed as a contributor.

Regardless if you are able to show up by financially helping this book get illustrated, it WILL get illustrated + published. Sharing on social media is incredibly helpful, as we raise the funds for it to be created and then launch it into the world.

In order to receive your thank you gifts, YOU MUST fill out this form below:

Why this matters:

I sincerely believe books are the #1 tool we have access to as parents to help form + shape the way our children view the world.

My boys have had peers question the validity of their brotherhood / family, because we don’t all look the same or come from the same gene pool or live together as one big family. My hope is that a copy of this book ends up in every home: homes where representation of a nonconventional family is needed for their own family to see themselves…but also homes with traditional families who can raise their kids knowing not all families look the same.

Empathy + compassion come through understanding. We have to start helping our kids know there isn’t shame in living a different story than the next kid.

We change the world by changing how we raise kids.

Will you help make this world a better place for our kids?

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single mom three boys
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Listening to voices in the triad that don’t sound like yours

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