A Note To Adoptees

A Note To Adoptees

✨ save this as affirmations for your child ✨ I asked you what you want your child who was adopted to know, to their core. The resounding answer from dozens of you was: you are worthy, you are enough, you are loved, you can feel however you feel about your adoption.

The rate of reported suicide attempts is 4 times greater in adoptees compared to non-adoptees. I wasn’t able to find much research done on if being transracially adopted increases the reported attempts or not, but I imagine it does.

The reality that one of my sons has 4x more likely chance to commit suicide than my other two sons guts me.

Let’s take these beautiful love notes you all wrote to your children and actively affirm our children. Have them repeat after you, stating their worth and value. Empower them & teach them to speak love & life over their self.

There is so much power in words — the tongue holds the power of life & death. We know our inner critic is constantly trying to tear us apart, this is happening in our children too.

If your love note didn’t make it into the slide, feel free to drop it in the comments ♥️

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Hi, I'm Natalie

Hi, I'm Natalie