8 Things To Remember When Your Kid's Lid Flips / Becomes Dysregulated

8 Things To Remember When Your Kid's Lid Flips / Becomes Dysregulated

8 things to remember when your child’s lid flips!

When we hold the privilege of parenting kids not from our wombs, there is trauma involved. If you haven’t spent years learning about & experiencing different types of trauma responses & the various ways it manifests, you may think some trauma is more visible/noticeable than others.

It’s important as adoptive + foster moms that we understand the various ways trauma changes our children’s brain pathways & bodily systems. Whats also important is knowing we get to support them during times of fight, flight, or freeze...which is also when their lid flips.

Read through the slides. By no means is this all encompassing, but it is a good start! Save it to return to.

Parenting humans is hard. Throw in trauma & complex identity, and we have a whole invitation to keep learning, unpacking our OWN stuff, and showing up better for our kids. And grace.

There is so much grace for all the ways we fall short. I fall short every single day. But these are things I return to, reminding myself to ground my parenting in this reality.

We are the sponge, but the sponge also needs space to ring out all the gunk it just soaked in. Maybe a little bake job sterilization — set time apart for you to recover.

I’m not raising kids to behave perfectly: I’m trying to raise kids who have coping skills, emotional awareness & intelligence, and deep compassion for themselves + those around them.

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Listening to voices in the triad that don’t sound like yours