Great & Mighty Things

Great & Mighty Things


Jeremiah 33:3 "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know."

What a promise. I was given this verse at my last Women's Retreat. This promise drove me to my knees, praising Jesus: it was offered at the perfect time. A time full of confusion, doubt, uncertainty.

Isaiah 55:6 says "Seek the Lord while you can find him. Call on Him while He is near."

I encourage you this week to call to the Lord and seek Him. He is near and will answer you, if you quiet your own self before Him. The promise that He will show us great and mighty things which we do not know just astounds me. Excites me. Ignites my spirit. It reminds me that my brain and mind and imagination are all so puny. That He is so much bigger, that He has great and mighty things to do in our lives, in our hearts, to reveal before our eyes -- things which we have never seen or heard of or experienced. Things which we could not possibly know. Does that now move you towards Him?

You who are tired and weary, rest and know that tasks are not nearly as important as your soul! Rest and feel relief in it. Leave the laundry, the dishes, the last to-do list. It won't mind. There is much to come and joy to be found in resting.

Quiet yourself before Him and ask Him to reveal these things to you. Ask Him how you can see Him more, feel Him more, know Him more. Open your heart to be ready to receive His love and grace, His assurance of love. And be ready for the avalanche of miracles that He may choose to unfold before your eyes. If you keep your blinders on, you'll miss them.

I am memorizing and internalizing this promise this week. It is so dear to my heart. I hope you'll let it be dear to yours, for whatever your life holds.

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