Fighting Anxiety & Stress

Fighting Anxiety & Stress


I have been finding myself in a place of overwhelmed anxiety, battling the temptation to fall into defeat. My chest tight, my heart rapidly beating, my mind racing to places it shouldn't. We are not made to live like this.

We are not meant to live in a state of constant chaos, battling the overwhelming stress of busy-ness or the anxiety of not being "good enough."

The idea that we are fighting a constant war is so real to me. Remembering the real-ness of this raging war has helped slow my rapid heart and racing mind: it reminds me that I have to choose to fight, that God is on my side, and that He will be my strength. I am reminded that I am not good enough, but in choosing to acknowledge that truth and call upon a Savior who is, then I am good enough. Simply because I am not, and I get access to "perfection" through Jesus. It's a crazy thing but it's beautiful and real.

Ephesians 6 has been so needed, so good to me lately. I thought I might remind you of these very real truths. We are at war. Not with one another - although it too often feels that way. Though surfacely it may seem as though you and your spouse, you and your friend, you and your child, you and your coworker, you and your and your _____ are at war, that is not what is happening. With every struggle and every conflict there is a raging war over your heart and the person you are conflicted with. The enemy, also known as Satan, is out to get you. He is fighting with all of his might to take you down, using those you hold so dear to your heart.

Can you pause and think of who you are at war with? It may even be subtle - it may be a conflict that seems to reside only within your heart. Remind yourself that they are fighting a war, the same war that you are. Now linger there and ask Jesus to give you His eyes in viewing them. See them as a beautiful and flawed human, fighting against evil rulers of the dark world, just like you. The war is not between you and human, the war is between humanity and evil {Satan}. If we can see each other with this truth, we will have the grace, strength, and compassion to stop fighting the human and instead stand with him/her in battle. Encourage and strengthen, speak Truth with love {because you love them} even when difficult, build the other up.

I thought I might share with you what I've been walking myself through so often.

This is heavy stuff, maybe seems unreal - but it is more real than you or I may dare to believe.

Ephesians 6

Ephesians 6: Bible

I have spent many moments reminding myself that I need to put on my armor. Did you know that God gives us armor to fight this raging war? The conflicts that we so easily believe is between humans, the constant fight of anxiety and stress..the overwhelming fear that we are not measuring up...friends, brothers, sisters: we must fight by putting our armor on. We must not give in to defeat. We must recognize that this is a reality for each of us and we have a job to do. A job that is not very difficult; it merely takes self discipline. I can't fight without my army {you, Christian} and you can't fight without me. We are a team! We cannot fight against our spouses and loved ones, we must be unified with them in order to fully live through this battle. Not just survive, but thrive.

Take time now. Put on your armor. Every day if you need to - I know that I do! The battle doesn't stop; it is constant until the day we are wholly in God's throne room. Invite your kids, your spouse, your friends to do so with you. This takes time as I think and pray through it, so I challenge you to slow down and truly let Jesus equip you. Here is our armor:

    • Belt of Truth. When I put on my belt, I take time to remember Truths that God has spoken over His people. That we are wonderfully made and His countless thoughts about us are so precious. I remind myself that we are a chosen people, we are royal, we are holy. This is my identity: I am His.

      Truth: 1 Peter 2

    • Body Armor of God's righteousness. Romans 5 says that we are made right in God's sight by our faith. Philippians 3:9 says that I become righteous by faith in Christ. Faith in Christ means putting down control and letting go of the facade of control; trusting Jesus for reals.
    • Shoes of Peace that comes from the Good News that Jesus reigns, death has no sting. We have the confident hope of salvation. We must give thanks for the gifts of grace that God gives, which brings peace. Peace that you don't need to control life, that Jesus sees you as valuable and Beloved right now. Read: Isaiah 52:7
    • Shield of Faith: faith achieves victory and defeats this evil world {1 John 5:4}. Trust that brings peace and truly removes anxiety - trust in Christ as my true Savior, that God will meet my needs even in the evil and dark times. Remind ourselves that He loves us more than the lilies of the fields.
    • Helmet of Salvation. Have a clear head {1 Thessalonians 5:8}, wearing the helmet of salvation. Protect your mind with the assurance that God has indeed saved your soul and given eternal life {today, living fully} to those who believe {put whole weight on} in Christ.
    • Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God --> we get to respond with the sharpest of swords. When the enemy tells us lies, we get to respond with the Word of God which clearly states that we are made right through faith, not living perfectly. We get to internalize the Word of God and use it for our protection. Read it, internalize it, live it. Isaiah 59:17 By the word of God, we over come the evil one. We must not live in fear, because the enemy is no match for God.


Go and put on your armor, every day. Be prepared to fight against what we are really fighting against: evil rulers of the unseen world. Not each other. We are all a part of this battle, maybe just in different ways than we want to believe - let's remind one another that we humans are on the same team.

Be blessed today. You are value.

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