All in Author Interviews

GIVEAWAY + Interview with best selling author, Jillian Lauren

Everything You Ever Wanted is Jillian Lauren's memoir about her journey to motherhood. Jillian was a college drop out, a drug addict, and an international concubine (TRUE STORY) in the Prince of Brunei's harem. She wrote about this in Some Girls.

She and her husband adopted an Ethiopian child with special needs; she writes about the journey to him and working hard to make him (and everyone around him) feel safe in the world.

Jillian is now mama to two children, both high needs. Her life is filled with doctors and therapy appointments - it's a good day when she only has the f-word thrown at her five times.

You Never Get Fully Past The Foster Care Stigmas [Interview with Jasmine Sanders]

"I was in the foster care system the first four years of my life. I had 3 foster families and the fourth ended up adopting me around the age of 4. Biological mother had a biological baby that lived for about a week before she passed away. They adopted a boy, my brother, and had him for a year and a half before they felt ready to adopt a girl. I was brought into the fold and my brother and I started out with a tumultuous relationship; he was probably jealous of having a new sibling in the house. But we are very close now."

Interview with Co-Star Of The Nationally Syndicated "The Dl Hughley Show", Media Expert, Radio & TV, Journalist, Motivational Speaker, Author, Jasmine Sanders

Interview with Best Selling Author Matthew Paul Turner

Our friend Deb gifted Matthew Paul Tuner’s book When God Made You to my boys for Easter. Upon seeing a kid of color on the front page as the main character, my heart skipped a beat - children’s books, especially Christian children’s books, representing kids of color as positive and main characters are few and far between. Not only that, but the words Matthew pieced together in this book are outstanding and necessary - this book is a definite celebration for God's wild love for you. Something I hope my kids always know.

Interview with Matthew Paul Turner + a giveaway of his book!

An Interview: Michelle Madrid-Branch, Foster Care + International Adoptee

Interview with Author + Adoptee, Michelle Madrid-Branch. Here are a few questions she answered:

What was the hardest thing for you growing up as an adoptee?

I have run into parents who have adopted worrying about “exposing” their children to their biological family’s unhealthy lifestyle- what are your thoughts about that?

How would you encourage foster/adoptive parents to deal with any jealousy they have of their child’s biological family? What if their child is constantly throwing “I wish I lived with my bio parents!” in their face when they’re upset?