Adding A Biological Baby After Adopting

Adding A Biological Baby After Adopting

I was so nervous to add kahlil 😭

Sage + Ira had been my permanent babies my whole motherhood, I didn’t even realize how much anxiety I had about what adding a bio babe might do.

A baby who didn’t share their dad.
A baby who wasn’t planned.
A baby who grew in my tummy.
A baby when we lived in a very small basement.
A baby when I didn’t have a husband/partner.

It was such a clunky start, too. Wow. It was really hard the first couple months. Clearly not enough me for the 3 of them. It felt like I’d ruined everything, like S and I would never want to be home with me again.

It’s still hard, but baby feeling like an awkward addition isn’t a part of the hard anymore.

This is us. We’re a little family.

Our family has lots of people and layers, too many transitions to fit into a cookie cutter or box.

But we are beautiful and we mostly love being together and we try to make lots of memories.

Today we walked 4 miles together & got treats & talked a whole lot ♥️

Happy Saturday from us to you ✨

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