Welcome, Kahlil!

Welcome, Kahlil!

My son Kahlil Quintin joined our family Thursday, July 23, 2020 at 11:41 pm :)

I am working on my labor + delivery story and cannot wait to share it!

Here are some images from right after his birth + meeting his big brothers.

There have been a lot of feeeeeeeeelings since coming home 💕 for all of us for varying reasons and intense layers.

The first few nights home I sat in the bathroom and cried for a solid while, very very aware that all my valid + heavy emotions (and some waves of grief) are amplified by post-birth hormone surges. But that doesn’t make them less real or valid.

Remember that, mamas with raging pregnancy + postpartum hormones: your emotions are not crazy, yes hormones amplify everything, but you. aren’t. crazy. Your tears aren’t bad or silly. And yes I know about PPD! Had it bad w Ira.

Love my three babies so much and am praying for all the hearts wrapped up in all our layers. I’ll never be one to dismiss or shove my kids feelings away or be flippant “just because it’s normal this is hard and it will get better.” I will always work to let them know I see them, I feel the heavy with them, I will carry it with them — I pray they’ll allow me to carry it with them for many years to come.

Motherhood is such a miracle to me.

A gift.

All three of these boys SO loved. But it is also heavy when we decide to step into all the complexities of life alongside our kids, instead of pretending there is some sort of WAY they should simply behave and be and exist and respond.

I don’t know if I’m making sense! Im tired and have a lot of heavy (I keep using that word!) happening inside of me, amplified by hormones 💕

I love my boys. What a privilege to be theirs.

PS! Yes! I’m sharing our birth story soon! Shout out to Kevin for being an AMAZING birth partner.

To The Doctor's Who Tried To Scare Me Into Induction

To The Doctor's Who Tried To Scare Me Into Induction

A Poem For My Son

A Poem For My Son