Thrifty Nifty Thursday

Thrifty Nifty's from the summer, brought to you by yours truly! DIY frame jewelry holder- $0

--> I have about 1 million empty frames so I chose this one, painted it red with gold glitter trim, found some nails and wire

Jewelry holder DIY

Jewelry holder DIY

Wooden Coffee Mug Holder- $2.99

--> We currently have a roommate and are learning how much stuff we have! In order to create more space, we decided to search for a new way to store our mugs. We found this little beauty, all wobbly and nearly broken, at Goodwill. We purchased it, spray painted black it with some paint we already had, and Loren replaced the screws in the nobs. We already had materials necessary! It hangs above our kitchen sink. I am in search for a second.

coffee mug holder; wooden

Shelf for vases- $8

Our roommate helped us out by purchasing and putting together this nifty little storage shelf for all of our glass vases. I love vases and mugs a little too much.. this storage shelf above our coat closet in the front entry way stores them so delightfully, I must say. He and his lovely lady purchased the materials at the Habitat Humanity Restore. All under $10!


Storage shelf, diy

Storage shelf, diy

Storage shelf, diy

Mini ceramic vase- $1

Found at the Cat's Meow downtown Corvallis on 3rd street.

mini vase

That's it for my summer finds.

Pour something warm & join me this morning

What I'm Learning