The Weeklies

20140310-155006.jpg Some days the weight of this life crushes my spirit and I forget that I was not made to carry it. Some days I wake up with the mind set that I need to earn my value and work for approval, love. Too often I forget that my Father has lavished me love, that He chooses to call me His child.

When we walk in the assurance of the Truth of this verse, we walk with peace. We carry a light heart. We experience the fullness of joy. We no longer attempt to count our value through accomplishments and tasks; if we did, we would fall short every time. Is it not the best gift, love lavished upon us, no strings attached?

Today, remember and know that you are deeply loved exactly how you are. You are valued because of Jesus. You are known and you are adopted into the most beautiful family there is. You have the best, most forgiving Dad imaginable. He is pleased with you.

Let's memorize this verse this week, internalizing it and walking in it's freedom!

Read HERE why I highly encourage memorizing verses!

Our dinner menu:

Monday: Mahi mahi tacos; soccer Tuesday: let's be real, we forget to eat dinner & eat the snacks at youth group; 4 mile run Wednesday: Pulled pork, rice, & fruit salad; Worship & prayer at 7; cross fit Thursday: Pizza! Homemade with green salad; 8.5 mile run & volleyball Friday: CIY BELIEVE! Saturday: CIY BELIEVE! Sunday: Marriage Small Group! Mexican theme potluck

The Weeklies: Now Including Exercise Goals!

Liebster Blog Award: Share That Love