

Foster + adoptive parents 🛑 hold your scroll.

Micro-aggressions run rampant towards our kids (directly or indirectly) and we need to be prepared to respond to them.

Our kids deserve us to prioritize their well-being, their emotional safety, their comfort…above another adults comfort.

They deserve us to inform with our responses when necessary, and teach their peers/other kids why a question may be problematic or why we don’t put people in boxes.

Nobody —I repeat— nobody is entitled to the private details of our child’s story.

I see it as our responsibility to do what we can to protect our child’s forming identify before we protect our own comfort or the comfort of another adult.

Micro aggressions can happen often towards any child in adoption/foster care but there are even more layers & micro aggressions in transracial parenting.

As a white mom with brown kids, it is part of our anti-racism work to confront these, call them out, be a part of the change.

This can take practice but it starts with recognizing them & caring so much more about making safe spaces for others (than caring about protecting our ego 🥴).

What are some other micro aggressions you’ve heard towards/about your child as an adoptive or foster parent?


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