Comfort During Trouble

Comfort During Trouble


I have been reading through 2 Corinthians chapters 1-7 for about a week. Over and over again. It has been slave to my broken and now mending soul. There are many verses in those chapters that I will be internalizing and memorizing! Here is the first:

"He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us." 2 Corinthians 1:4

You are probably familiar with struggles and troubles, pain and suffering. The inner wrestling with the Lord, being broken but craving to be whole. Sometimes the right place to be is broken, as long as you are broken and honest in the presence of Jesus. I really touched on this in my Nightmare post, about not rushing to the morning but pursuing Jesus in the dark and the painful.

Though I was troubled, I was comforted in so many ways. God has never failed me - He is always here to bring comfort. This is real. What was awe-some was that I was able to comfort my sibling through her struggle, trouble, pain. I didn't remove it, because I can't. But I was able to bring comfort and lean into super-natural strength. That in itself was comforting!

When you are in the middle of a heavy trial, do not let go of Jesus. When you are feeling weighted down, run towards Him and He will comfort you. It is a promise. You will then, miraculously, be able to comfort others.

He always graces us through with His mercies and comfort. If grace were an ocean, we're all sinking.

Will you memorize this scripture with me?

Newport, Oregon 2 Corinthians 1:4


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