Christian + Purity Culture Groomed Me For Abuse

Christian + Purity Culture Groomed Me For Abuse

I’d like to make it unendingly clear I do not sit in a posture of shaming those who have shamed me.

I can now see clear as day that Christian purity culture groomed me for unhealthy, dysfunctional relationships, susceptible for abuse. & then carrying the blame + shame.

Christianity set many of us up for unhealth inside marriage.

Is this every Christian-culture-raised person’s story? No.

Is it too many? Yes.

Is it possible many haven’t even processed this could be your story? Of course: because… then what?

The obsession of many of our adolescence was sexual purity & dating to marry.

What do we do now that we’ve woken up to the harmful ways we were taught & the ways it’s really hurt us?

We look at it.

We name it.

We understand, unpack it.

We ask God to show us His heart for intimacy, sex, marriage & partnership, us …individually. We trust the Spirit He gave us.

And then we do better for our kids.

If we are not willing to look at the ways the Bible & God was used to harm us, shame us, abuse us, how will we heal & learn to feel safe with God?

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want my kids to feel the amount of shame I always have, even simply standing naked. Alone. Just me & a mirror.

But also with sex. Sexuality. My body.

I don’t want my boys to believe a woman owes him her body 🤢 or that’s the whole of what she brings him.

My boys will not be told they get a pass on being emotionally intelligent, self aware, & nurturing individuals in a partnership.

If I’m hopeful to raise them this means I better not be settling for these things.

You’re worth more too.

Our kids are watching & listening, their view of the world & relationships are developing and forming.

I’m creating & releasing a free mini series to anyone who wants it. Swipe to see how to get ahold of that.

I don’t claim to have all the answers.

But I am committed to showing up & offering the world what I can, thru my lived experiences, & my journey to wholeness.


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