8 MORE questions for Adoptive Parents

8 MORE questions for Adoptive Parents

8 more questions for hopeful / prospective / in the wait Adoptive Parents!

My hope is to continually help other prospective adoptive families to see clearer BEFORE they welcome a child into their arms + homes.

Reality is, adoption is going to continue happening.

Reality is, adoption stems from utter systemic brokenness + lack of Human Resources.

Reality is, I want to help adoptive parents enter adoption with more understanding, awareness, reality…so we can do better raising our kids not born to us.

Our kids have already been dealt unfortunate, tragic cards. Denying that isn’t helpful.

So can we dive into these territories, unpack these questions + answers, BEFORE we become parents?

Can we shift the adoption centering from being about us to being about the adoptee?

My hope is to continuously bring us back to the basics of what matters; the core of who should be centered in adoption.

Inviting you to unpack your own deeply hidden-to-you biases, ignorances, insecurities, fears.

I am here to support you on your journey. I have many posts pointing towards a number of public adoptee + birth parent voices if you’re struggling to find some to learn from.

One of the questions I did not personally think to ask myself in the waiting leg of the journey was: “what conversations am I having with extended family members? Am I ready to distance myself from relationships that continue to be unsafe for my child?”


Infertility is NOT why I adopted

Infertility is NOT why I adopted

It's Days Like These...

It's Days Like These...