Thank you, friends, for supporting my business!

I have been so overwhelmed with the love and support of so many as I venture into putting more time and energy into my Birth Care business. Though I have served during a number of births and taken newborn photos, I wasn't allowing myself to deeply run with this dream as a full on business, out of fear. I was allowing myself to use my gifts in this way when it was offered, but out of fear I and uncertainty of the future, I hesitated to build a full on business. As friends have shared my new website and written loving words about me, my heart has been deeply encouraged. Not in an arrogant way; in an extremely humbling and deeply moved sort of way. It is as though Jesus, through His beloved children, is whispering sweet nothings to my soul and reminding me what I'm always reminding others: You can do this, by My strength. You are more. You have many who love & support you. I have your back. Oh the sweetness of knowing He has my back.

As I have been praying over the months about launching a website and putting myself out there, I have had many debates with myself & God.

"But what if I begin to grow the work-aholic syndrome?" "But will I be able to actually supplement our income?" "What if I can't serve each mother so well that I was worth their investment?" "What if I let people down." "What if I step on other photographers & doulas toes?"

And the fears go on, because there are always reasons to fear. But the persistent Voice remains: "Child. [Natalie.] I am with you. I have gifted you. I have given you a fiery passion and desire, a love for these things. Do not fear, do not fear man and do not fear self. And really, you already fight these things, and we will continue to work through them. Lean into me, let me do the loving and the serving. Let me do the providing. I am with you."

So I did it. I spent hours building a website, praying for the right amount of professionalism mixed with welcoming-personal-ness. I prayed through it, I feared going into the unknown of putting myself out there, and then I trusted.

And I am so glad.

I am thankful to pursue my passion and love for supporting and serving expectant parents and babies. I love babies. I love mamas and daddies. I love serving them and building them up and rooting them on. They are HEROES in this world. I want to be a part of MANY people's lives, not only the few in my circle. That means I must put myself out there and build this business. I am so excited to make this part of who I am, because Jesus has given me a deep desire for these things.

Friends, thank you for supporting me. Thank you for sharing my website on your Facebook profiles. It means more than you know. It means you are helping me pursue my dreams, helping me provide for my family, and encouraging me on a deeper level than I knew possible.

Thank you. I pray I can do the same. Let me know and I'll be ready!

Be blessed. Go for your dreams and pursue your passions.

It may will be scary at first, it is unknown, but remind yourself of His truer than true promise: Do not fear, I The Lord your God am with you. You never know how Jesus will love you through it, but you can know that He will.

Live fully the adventure of life. We only have one of them.

Still adventuring,


Visit my business website at

Seeking God’s Plan & Promises - One Moms Thoughts About Raising Kids

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