Garden Update

Garden Update


Flower love

Broccoli leaf Broccoli leaf

Red lettuce

Red lettuce & Arugula


Sweet Peas & Green onions, Chives, Yellow onions

When life throws craziness at you, when you feel as though you cannot breathe, when troubles and trials arise and you are too tired to fight...God presents His grace in many ways. One of His many gifts of grace in my life is this precious garden. Life is springing up from the dirt - from the poop dirt. The filthiest of substances, the muckiest of muck, is producing bright and vibrant life. The rain has been pouring these last few weeks. Storms have come and gone. I have worried for my little seeds in this precious garden, that the rain would drown the life I was hoping to grow.

Guess what?

The rain didn't drown the life. The rain didn't destroy what I saw as so precious and fragile. Though these little "lives" of green are precious, they are stronger than I gave them credit for. They have grown through the dirt and muck, they have stood tall through the heavy rain that threatened their life.

We are these little green plants. Often we are sunk deep within the POOP of life. The dirt and the muck --> pain, suffering, trials, brokenness, SIN. It sucks. That stuff sucks and I am never going to deny that. But the beauty that is able to rise above the muck. The beauty that reaches up to the heavens, standing tall through the storm. Standing tall because Jesus Christ is the living power within us. Jesus Christ {can} courses through our veins and our bones, giving us the strength to live through the muckiest of storms.

Will you look to Jesus with me? He is faultless, sturdy, reliable, solid, never-changing, unfaithful, does not waver, dependable, our rock and foundations. He will not fail us.

"You will know at last that I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer." Isaiah 60:16b

Slow Down, Would You?

Slow Down, Would You?

Verse, Menu, Exercise

Verse, Menu, Exercise