Foster Care Through Divorce

Foster Care Through Divorce

Never in my wildest imagination did I think I’d be taking family photos without a husband, my children’s father.

The 4 — and then 6… and then 7 — of us looked so good in photos together, we fooled even ourselves. Until one day I was brave enough to stare our marriage’s reality in the face and ask for help. We had 5 kids at the time and had just celebrated 6 years of marriage. The walls of our entire life crashed, the walls built with facades and fantasies I had construed to survive, because silently dying inside felt more livable than looking at the truth and what would come next.

I wasn’t ever going to be a divorcee. ‘Divorce is for weak people who don’t understand the sacredness of the vow.’ I sincerely believed this to my core. I wasn’t about to tell that to a divorcee’s face, but anytime I heard of another friend’s marriage ending, I pitifully shook my head, disappointed for their lack of strength to just make it work.

Ignorance. It is such bliss, isn’t it?

Read the rest of this story on Love What Matters.

She said, ‘That’s them. That’s my son’s parents.'

She said, ‘That’s them. That’s my son’s parents.'

‘I just have to ask, do you love Sage as much as you love Ira? ’

‘I just have to ask, do you love Sage as much as you love Ira? ’